
Yet more lovely free produce from the garden - this time from our walnut tree! Would be great in our home-made muesli :)

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Nicki Chandler
Apple Juice!

We have upped the scale of our apple juice manufacturing now!!
Also we have a professional pasteuriser on the way :)
Hopefully by the time we've finished this years harvest of apples the whole lot will last us several months! 🍎 🍹

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Nicki Chandlersourrettou
Speckles gets broody

It was time to put the chickens to bed, but Speckles was missing, and we realised we hadn’t seen her much for days. Brendan went to look for her under the bushes, and as suspected, found that she had been making a nest and was sitting on her eggs. Lifting her off to carry her to the henhouse to go to bed he then saw that there were not just a few eggs there, but 16!!!!

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Nicki Chandler
Building the Yurt!

So much harder than it looks - one whole day to erect the structure, and just when we thought the hard bit was over, the 5 layers took us another whole day and was even harder! Brendan’s quote for the day: “Well we did it, and we didn’t kill each other!!”

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Nicki Chandler